Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Love This Pic

Photo by Lisa Rayman Goldfarb
That's my niece Siena! Isn't she gorgeous? What? Oh you thought I meant the peacock was my niece? That's hysterical! No, see..Up in the top left corner, that's my adorable niece. She's the best! I seriously can't stop looking at this pic, so mesmerizing...

UPDATE: OMG i had no idea about this runaway peacock from the Bronx Zoo when I put up this post!  Thanks for the heads up, Liz! 


  1. gotta admit, I'm completely terrified of peacocks. they freak me out. although I will agree that the photo is mesmerizing, I stared at it for a good while before commenting.. I think it's all those 'eyes'...

  2. Haha!! And would you believe they look completely black/greyish when you look at them from behind? It is a total sham (just to woo the ladies I'm sure!).
