Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Unsubscribe Me

I don't know about you, but I'm DONE with all those invitation-only sample sale websites. DONE, I tell ya! Waving their half price restaurant deals in front of my nose. Taunting me with their heavily discounted luxury goods. Sending more emails than my friends and family combined. I'm on an unsubscribing rampage:

Buh bye Rue La La! I rue the day I ever gave you my email address.

Gilt Groupe: GOOD BYE!! You are guilty of being annoying and borderline stalkerish!

Groupon: Well your deals are just too good, I might just stay on a bit longer.

And when I finally click that unsubscribe box of liberation, the companies instantly send me an email letting me know they've received my request to unsubscribe! I guess our little unsubscribe arrangement isn't getting off to such a good start, is it?


  1. too funny. I like your tirade!!

  2. haha thanks lisi!!I finally realized how much the constant badgering from these sites was bothering me, and liberated myself! If I want deals I will go to Loehmann's :)

  3. Uhmmmm... (like hello dude) 1983 called, and they want their Apple II back. Maybe you should keep your eyes peeled for a good deal on a computer.

  4. um, like, Alexis, your comment is like totally the most awesome comment ever! Seriously can't stop laughing!
